Friday, March 15, 2024

Vietnamees Eten: De TOP 10 must-try Gerechten in 2024

Vietnamees eten staat bekend om zijn verrukkelijke smaken, verfijnde aroma's en diverse texturen. Met een rijke culinaire traditie die teruggaat tot duizenden jaren geleden, heeft Vietnam een schat aan heerlijke gerechten die de smaakpapillen van elke fijnproever kunnen prikkelen.

In dit artikel gaan we dieper in op de top 10 must-try Vietnamese gerechten in 2024, waarbij we de traditionele en hedendaagse culinaire hoogtepunten van Vietnam verkennen.

>> Lees hier meer over Vietnamese gerechten!

1. Banh mi - Het Vietnamese broodje

Banh mi is een legendarisch Vietnamees gerecht dat wereldwijd bekend is geworden vanwege zijn heerlijke smaak en veelzijdigheid. Dit Vietnamese broodje combineert een knapperige Franse baguette met een vulling van verschillende ingrediënten zoals gegrild vlees, pittige groenten, kruiden en sauzen zoals mayonaise en Sriracha. De perfecte balans tussen zoet, zuur, zout en pittig maakt banh mi tot een onweerstaanbare lekkernij die je keer op keer wilt proeven.

2. Bun cha - De Vietnamese gegrilde vleesnoedels

Bun cha is een traditioneel Vietnamees gerecht dat bestaat uit gegrilde varkensvleesgehaktballen geserveerd met verse kruiden, dunne rijstnoedels en een zijdezachte dipsaus. De vleesgehaktballen worden meestal gegrild boven houtskool, wat een unieke rokerige smaak aan het gerecht geeft. Bun cha is een verfrissend en bevredigend gerecht dat perfect past bij warme zomerdagen en een absolute must-try is voor liefhebbers van Vietnamees eten.

3. Pho - De Vietnamese rijstnoedelsoep

Pho is misschien wel het meest iconische gerecht van Vietnam en wordt wereldwijd gewaardeerd om zijn diepe, aromatische bouillon en delicate rijstnoedels. Deze hartige soep wordt meestal geserveerd met plakjes mals rundvlees, verse kruiden zoals koriander en basilicum, limoen, chili en taugé. De rijke smaak van pho is het resultaat van langzaam gekookte botten, specerijen en aromatische groenten. Het is een geruststellend gerecht dat perfect is voor elk moment van de dag.

4. Wat te eten in Vietnam? Goi cuon - Verse loempia's

Goi cuon, ook wel bekend als Vietnamese verse loempia's of summer rolls, zijn licht en verfrissend en vormen een populaire keuze voor een gezonde en smaakvolle snack of voorgerecht. Deze transparante rijstvellen worden gevuld met een kleurrijke mix van verse groenten, garnalen, plakjes varkensvlees, rijstnoedels en kruiden, en vervolgens opgerold tot compacte pakketjes. Goi cuon wordt vaak geserveerd met een pittige pindasaus of een zoetzure dipsaus, waardoor elke hap een explosie van smaak en textuur wordt.

5. Bun bo Hue - Rundvleesnoedels in Hue-stijl

Bun bo Hue is een hartige noedelsoep afkomstig uit de keizerlijke stad Hue in Vietnam en staat bekend om zijn krachtige en complexe smaken. In tegenstelling tot de meer bekende pho, wordt bun bo Hue gekenmerkt door zijn pittige bouillon op basis van rundvlees en varkensvlees, die op smaak wordt gebracht met citroengras, garnalenpasta, chili en diverse kruiden. Deze smaakvolle soep wordt meestal geserveerd met runderstaart, bloedworst, gebraden varkensvlees en verse kruiden, waardoor elke kom een culinair avontuur wordt.

6. Cao lau - De Hoi An-noedels

Cao lau is een uniek en heerlijk gerecht dat afkomstig is uit de schilderachtige stad Hoi An in Centraal-Vietnam. Deze noedels worden gemaakt van rijstmeel en onderscheiden zich door hun stevige textuur en subtiele smaak. Wat cao lau echt bijzonder maakt, is de toevoeging van knapperig varkensvlees, verse kruiden, gemengde groenten en een handvol krokante croutons. De noedels worden vervolgens overgoten met een smaakvolle bouillon op basis van varkensvlees en kruiden, waardoor een onvergetelijke smaakervaring ontstaat die je niet mag missen.

7. Mi Quang - De noedelsoep in Quang-stijl

Mi Quang is een populaire noedelsoep afkomstig uit de regio Quang Nam in Centraal-Vietnam en staat bekend om zijn rijke smaak en kleurrijke presentatie. Deze unieke noedelsoep wordt geserveerd met een royale portie rijstnoedels, gemengd met gegrild varkensvlees, garnalen, hardgekookte eieren, gemengde groenten en kruiden, en overgoten met een smaakvolle bouillon op basis van varkensvlees, vis en specerijen. Mi Quang is een heerlijk en voedzaam gerecht dat je zeker moet proberen tijdens je culinaire reis door Vietnam.

8. Bun cha ca - Viskoeknoedelsoep

Bun cha ca is een hartige en vullende noedelsoep die geliefd is bij liefhebbers van zeevruchten in Vietnam. Deze smaakvolle soep wordt bereid met dikke rijstnoedels, plakjes verse viskoekjes, groenten, kruiden en een geurige bouillon op basis van vis, gember en specerijen. Bun cha ca is een verfrissende en bevredigende maaltijd die perfect is voor liefhebbers van visgerechten en een absolute must-try is tijdens je culinaire avontuur in Vietnam.

9. Banh xeo - Krokante pannenkoeken

Banh xeo, ook wel bekend als Vietnamese krokante pannenkoeken, zijn een heerlijke traktatie die zowel knapperig als hartig is. Deze goudbruine pannenkoeken worden gemaakt van een beslag op basis van rijstmeel, kokosmelk en kurkuma, en vervolgens gevuld met een smakelijke mix van garnalen, varkensvlees, taugé en lente-uitjes. Banh xeo wordt meestal geserveerd met verse groenten en een pittige dipsaus, waardoor elke hap een explosie van smaak en textuur wordt.

10. Com tam - Gebroken rijst

Last but not least, com tam is een eenvoudig maar bevredigend gerecht dat bestaat uit gebroken rijst geserveerd met een keur aan bijgerechten zoals gegrild varkensvlees, een gebakken ei, plakjes komkommer, tomaten en ingemaakte groenten. Dit populaire streetfoodgerecht is geliefd bij zowel locals als toeristen vanwege zijn eenvoudige bereiding en heerlijke smaak. Com tam is een must-try gerecht dat de essentie van de Vietnamese keuken belichaamt en een onvergetelijke culinaire ervaring biedt.

In conclusie, de Vietnamese keuken biedt een schat aan heerlijke gerechten die de smaakpapillen prikkelen en de zintuigen betoveren. Van verfijnde noedelsoepen en hartige pannenkoeken tot knapperige broodjes en gebroken rijstgerechten, er is voor elk wat wils in Vietnam. Dus, als je op zoek bent naar een culinair avontuur dat je smaakpapillen zal doen dansen, zet Vietnam dan bovenaan je lijstje van must-visit bestemmingen en ontdek de smaken van dit prachtige land.

>> Vraag hier uw op maat gemaakte Vietnam-rondreis aan!

Friday, December 9, 2022

Features of Northern Vietnamese Cuisine

 Vietnam has a very diverse culinary culture and each region has its own impressive features. Here, we invite you to discover Northern Vietnamese Cuisine!

If the cuisine of the Central region is bold with the identity of a sunny and windy land, the South is a mixture of different cuisines, then the cuisine of the North is boldly imprinted with the essence of a long-standing culture. Because of that, from the food to the clothes of the Northern people, everything is filtered and becomes a standard that is not easy to change. Hanoi is considered to be the convergence of the quintessence of Northern cuisine with famous and delicious dishes.

Read also Hanoi food tour 5 days 

Highlights of Northern Vietnamese cuisine

Northern Vietnamese cuisine focuses on the use of spices like the Central and Southern regions, but the way of seasoning has its own unique features. Northern dishes have an ethereal taste, not intense, not too spicy and often emphasize the natural freshness of each food. Typical in Northern cuisine is that it is often not as spicy, fatty, and sweet as other regions; the dish has a moderate taste, not too strong but colorful; mainly use diluted fish sauce, shrimp paste, many vegetable dishes and easy-to-find freshwater aquatic products such as shrimp, crab, fish, mussels, mussels, etc. And in general, due to the ancient tradition of poor agriculture In the past, Northern cuisine was less popular with dishes with the main ingredients being meat and fish.

Derived from the meticulousness, ingenuity and sophistication in processing, especially during the holidays, that ingenuity is even more evident with the full high trays, each tray must have four bowls and six plates. sophisticatedly prepared, delicious and also very eye-catching. Another very northern characteristic is the cake gifts, which are not a filling dish, but the rustic and rustic cakes such as rice cakes, orange cakes or jams, etc., bring people a lot of food. the excitement, preserving many beautiful memories of the people of the North.

About Hanoi Food Culture

Hanoi is considered as a convergence of the quintessence of Northern cuisine with famous Northeastern delicacies such as pho, bun cha, snail vermicelli, vermicelli, sticky rice nuggets, banh cuon Thanh Tri, etc. many special spices such as Ca cuong essential oil, shrimp paste, Lang basil. In some other areas, famous for Chiem Hoa field fish sauce, mint honey from Ha Giang mountains, copper snails, Doan Hung pomelo, Thanh Son sour meat, Viet Tri dog meat, mackerel braised in fresh tea, wine tired of Ha Long, Hoanh Bo soaked sticky rice wine, sa worm,...

The dishes that make up the famous Northern Vietnam culinary reputation

Green bean cake is the most famous specialty of Hai Duong province. The rustic green bean cake looks very simple but contains pure flavors, passionate aromas that once eaten, remember forever, unforgettable. The ingredients for making mung bean cake are from pure mung bean flour, mixed with fat, sugar, ... and when enjoying to be able to fully feel the delicious taste of this cake, a cup of Thai Nguyen green tea is indispensable. A perfect combination of sweet and fatty mung bean cake and bitter acrid taste creates a feeling of spread and fullness when enjoying.

Referring to Northern specialties, the quintessential dish of Vietnamese cuisine, it is impossible to miss the famous Vu Dai Braised Fish. Braised fish dish is stocked with black carp with a traditional recipe that is stored in an earthen pot for 16-24 hours, creating a dish of braised fish with firm meat, soft bones and increasingly popular in Vietnamese family meals.

Referring to Squid Patties, a delicious dish that everyone loves, it is impossible to mention Ha Long squid - a famous dish for Northern cuisine. Fresh squids are carefully selected, then seasoned and pounded by hand, then molded into pieces of squid and fried, left to dry. This dish has a sweet, fatty taste and an attractive aroma that is hard to resist.

La Vong Grilled Fish is a famous Hanoi specialty that everyone who comes here can enjoy at least once. Made from the traditional recipe, the dish has become attractive and famous throughout the country with the strong flavor of shrimp paste and the firmness of the salmon meat. It is a dish of marinated fish and then grilled on a charcoal stove and fried in a pan of hot grease, served with a little tangled vermicelli, which is the right taste of Hanoi.

Diversity in processing materials as well as ingenuity and sophistication in the reduction of spices have made the characteristics and imprints Northern Vietnamese Cruisine that cannot be found anywhere.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Beef noodle soup - Hanoi's hottest street food

The Hanoi street food - Beef noodle soup has appeared for a long time and is attached to the lives of Hanoi people and has become one of the symbols of Vietnamese cuisine. Bone broth combined with simmered vegetables and esoteric spices creates the characteristic flavor of a delicious bowl of pho. The noodles are soft white noodles, a few slices of rare beef have just arrived, accompanied by the sour taste of lemon and the pungent taste of chili. In addition, pho is often used with bean sprouts, herbs and coriander to increase the rich flavor. This specialty is sold all year round in every corner from early morning to late night. And if you can enjoy a bowl of this hot, delicious pho on cold days, nothing is better.

Enjoy the Hanoi street food - Delicious Pho at:

  • Bat Dan heirloom pho at 49 Bat Dan, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi.
  • Pho Thin restaurant is located at 13 Lo Duc Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi.
  • Pho Cham address 64 – 68, Yen Ninh, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi.
  • Pho Sung: 36B Mai Hac De, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi.
Read more about Hanoi street food tour here!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Guide for Vietnamese Spicy Food in Hanoi City

Vietnamese spicy food is top searched in the winter, when Hanoi city is a bitterly cold, sometimes even raining, making the stomach hungry faster than usual. In these days, we also crave a hot pot of steaming hot pot to sit down with friends, or an eye-catching barbecue to blow up each piece of crispy, delicious meat.

However, if we are too busy and you still don't know what to eat on these cold days, you must immediately write down 7 hot and spicy dishes that are extremely suitable for Hanoi weather right now so you can take a taxi around and enjoy it by yourself. Let's discover what Vietnamese spicy dishes in Hanoi will satisfy your hunger as well as your stomach right now.

1. Vietnamese Spicy Food - Frog Porridge

In a cold weather like this, having a bowl of frog porridge with a side dish is an ideal choice.

Frog porridge smells like satay, frog meat is soft, both fragrant and soaked in sauce, so it's very mouthwatering. The spicy, smoky satay and the hot bowl of porridge can warm your stomach immediately.

A bowl of hot porridge sprinkled with a little green onion and fried onion is placed next to an eye-catching frog pot that makes everyone squirm and slowly enjoy. Frog porridge must be eaten slowly to feel its characteristic spicy flavor, you should not be too hasty to eat it quickly because it is really hot and spicy.

To enjoy frog porridge, remember to write down a few addresses such as: 8 Hang Thung, 296 Thai Ha, 212 Pho Hue...

2.Vietnamese Spicy Food - Spicy ribs sticky rice

Talking about spicy dishes in Hanoi, we have to mention spicy rib sticky rice.

Each layer of soft, fragrant sticky rice blends with the taste of lean ribs and the most prominent part is the spicy sauce sprinkled on top. It is this spicy sauce that has changed the ordinary, simple sticky rice with ribs into more delicious and strange.

When in winter, spicy ribs sticky rice is even more a perfect choice for cold days like this.

You should record a few famous addresses selling delicious spicy ribs sticky rice in Hanoi such as: 630 Truong Chinh, 75 Mai Hac De, 24B Duong Thanh...

3. Vietnamese Spicy Food - Spicy fried octopus

Spicy fried octopus has a slightly sweet sauce but not enough to overwhelm the inherent spicy taste. The sauce is fragrant, rich with crispy pieces of octopus, sweet and hot meat. If you want to be less spicy and less hot, remember to wrap it with raw vegetables to reduce the heat a bit. 

This Vietnamese spicy dish is to sit and enjoy slowly, not in a hurry, but quickly with anyone. After eating every piece of octopus, it is clear that the spicy taste remains on the tip of the tongue, so it is extremely warm and reasonable in cold days.

Don't forget to write down a few places to enjoy delicious spicy fried octopus such as: 27 Tran Duy Hung, 627 De La Thanh, 42B Yet Kieu...

4. Vietnamese Spicy Food - Spicy seafood fried rice

The rice grains are firm, fragrant, and evenly roasted with two types of seafood, shrimp and squid, so you don't have to worry about paleness at all. However, it is the rich spicy sauce that makes the seafood fried rice dish even more delicious and attractive.

Seafood fried rice with spicy sauce is enough to make you a starchy believer because the hunting rice grains evenly on the pan are not dry at all, but even more delicious when mixed with spicy sauce.

In the spicy sauce, there is a little bit of friable beans, so it will help reduce the spicy taste of the sauce, making it a little more satisfying. Therefore, you can safely eat the whole plate of rice without worrying about the taste being too spicy or burning your mouth.

Some places to taste spicy seafood fried rice in Hanoi are: 1 Ho Dac Di, 26 lane 36 Duy Tan...

5. Vietnamese Spicy Food - Spicy fish noodles

A full bowl includes fried fish stomachs, fish balls, meat balls ... but the highlight of this dish is the hot, spicy, slightly spicy broth that pushes the flavor.

This dish is still quite new in Hanoi, but it attracts people to eat thanks to the mildly sour and picky broth and the relatively plump meat.

Each piece of fish and fish stomach that keeps pushing the flavor along the hot bowl of vermicelli will be enough to be a choice to warm your stomach in these cold winter nights.

Remember to write down a few places to enjoy Vietnam spicy fish noodle soup in Hanoi such as: 14 Quang Trung, lane 24 Yet Kieu...

6. Vietnamese Spicy Food - Spicy noodles with pig heart and kidney

Noodles with pig heart and kidney are always a favorite dish on cold winter days. With the mild sour and picky noodle soup, it will be reasonable enough to sip on these cold days.

The broth has tomatoes, chili, and garlic, but the garlic flavor is not too pungent, but the chili flavor is a bit spicy on the tip of the tongue.

Sitting slowly enjoying each piece of crispy, hot heart, then slurping each piece of noodles and seasoning the slightly sour and spicy broth will be very suitable for super cold days. So, if it's cold, you definitely can't miss the spicy heart noodles!

Some addresses for you to enjoy spicy and sour noodles in Hanoi are: 48 Hang Tre, 20 Hang Bot, 50 Hang Giay... 

7. Vietnamese Spicy Food - Chicken with spicy sauce

Vietnam spicy chicken dish
with crispy outer shell imbued with attractive spicy sauce flavor. Each piece of chicken is soft and fragrant, but has a strong smell of sauce and a few slices of hot chili clinging to the pieces of chicken.

Just like that, this dish always satisfies the taste of many people because of its outstanding spicy flavor that is hard to resist.

So, remember to include spicy chicken in your list of great Vietnamesespicy food to sip on cold days!

#vietnamesespicyfood #vietnamesespicydishes

Friday, April 17, 2020

Top 5 Vietnamese Food Recipes Easy

Whether or not you’re a good chef, try cooking at home is still a great idea now and then, so some simple Vietnamese food recipes can enrich your gourmet galleries. Cooking the top 5 recommended dishes are not as difficult as you think. You can turn it into a feast for the family as cooking skills will always be appreciated. Especially, making it at home allows you to tailor the spice levels to your preference.

#1: Beef noodle soup

Beef noodle soup or Pho Bo is very famous in Vietnam, and if you try it at least once in its home country, let’s try cooking it by yourself at home with the easy Vietnamese food recipe. The key to the soup is the nutrient and aromatic broth made by stewing kilograms of beef bones in a pressure cooker for around 40 minutes.
  • Beef tenderloin
  • Beef bone
  • Onion, coriander, herbs, bean sprout, lemon, and scallion
  • Pho noodles
  • Seasoning: salt, sugar, pepper, cooking oil, chili sauce, fish sauce, etc.
    Beef noodle soup

#2: Fried Vietnamese spring rolls

There are some variations of the Vietnamese spring rolls which are subject to the fillings. Some people prefer the minced pork, shrimp, mushroom, peanut, and taro. The spring rolls are crunchy outside and fleshy inside consisting of the aromatic ingredients. This food is especially popular in the Vietnamese family gatherings, anniversaries, or other events, but it is still the favorite of the local kids and adults. Once being deep-fried in the hot oil pan, the spring rolls will turn yellow, so make sure you don’t over-fry them.
  • Minced pork
  • Shrimp
  • Rice paper
  • Mushroom, carrot, taro
  • Onion, garlic
  • Egg
  • Seasoning: pepper, salt, fish sauce, sugar, etc.

    Fried Vietnamese spring rolls

#3: Stir-fried shrimp

The must-have ingredient is the shrimp, of course. Choose the decent-sized shrimp and use your seasoning in the kitchen. You can make it a little bit sweet or spicy by using sugar or chili accordingly. When the shrimps are made clean and ready for cooking, use a pan for stir-frying. When the pan is hot, let’s fry the shrimp and note that it gets cooked quickly, and you should get all of the other seasoning ready in order not to overcook the seafood. Oftentimes, the Vietnamese eat this stir-fried sweet shrimp with rice, which is rich in protein.
  • The decent-sized shrimp
  • Tamarind
  • Spring onion and garlic
  • Seasoning: sugar, salt, fish sauce, chili, and pepper

    Stir-fried shrimp in Vietnamese style

#4: Lemongrass Tamarind Chicken

The chicken is mixed with tamarind and lemongrass which results in the sweet-and-sour flavor. A plate of this food is often served with rice and people love the sauce. Once the chicken breast or chicken wing is rinsed clean, you spice them with the seasoning, rice flour, and pepper. Mix them all well. Heat the pan with cooking oil, and then add the chicken into and dry them well. The tamarin sauce will be added at last. Furthermore, you add some roasted sesame seeds and chopped scallions for the attractive look.
  • Chicken (breast, wing, or drumstick)
  • Tamarind and lemongrass
  • Rice flour
  • Seasoning: sugar, fish sauce, onion, and pepper
  • Cooking oil, garlic, roasted sesame, and green onion

    Lemongrass Tamarind Chicken

#5: Soup with Cabbage Roll

This kind of soup is very healthy and delicious, especially on a chilly day. You will need to make the cabbage rolls including the minced and spiced meat. Then, boil the rolls in broth for the flavorful soup. The beauty of this food lies in the way you make the rolls by using the cabbage leaves. When the water starts boiling, put the cabbage rolls into the cooker around 5-10 minutes to have them cooked.
  • Cabbage
  • Minced pork or beef
  • Spring onions
  • Seasoning: Salt, pepper, and fish sauce

    Soup with Cabbage Roll

Try cooking the five Vietnamese food recipes easy above and get your family ready for a yummy treat of Vietnamese food!